English Language Courses

Teacher Training - Mindfulness in the Classroom

Course Description

The mindfulness training teaches the teacher to become aware of the learners' needs on a more emotional level, developing a stronger teacher-student bond, resulting in less stress for the teacher, and a calmer and focused classroom.

Course Aim

By learning to place their attention on the present moment, the learners develop techniques that help them stay engaged and reduce the negative effects of stress.

This helps to keep the learner centered academically and helps them to deal with thoughts and emotions that can develop into classroom behavioural problems.

The mindfulness training teaches the teacher to become aware of the learners' needs on a more emotional level, developing a stronger teacher-student bond, resulting in less stress for the teacher, and a calmer and focused classroom.

Ratio­nale for the course programme

The rationale for the programme is that course members are encouraged to work on certain tasks, backed up by inputs and workshop support, in order to fulfil the aim, objectives and purposes of their participation on the course.

Assess­ment of the course

Course members will be assessed through the pre-course tasks, their in-course assignments (including reading and listening tasks, lesson plans, materials collection & preparation compilation and participation in class discussions) and their end-of course task. The assessment will be in the form of a written testimonial attached to their certificate of attendance.


Nine teachers from the Czech Republic, Nymburk, participated in the 3rd week of October in the language course of general and medical English at Atlantic School of English & Active Leisure Ltd, Schull, Ireland. The course program was organized at a high professional level and met all our requirements. English teaching was based on the level of English knowledge of colleagues, was individualized, and responded to the current needs and requirements of the participants. All our lecturers were at a high professional level.The free time program was focused on tourism in the Schull area, getting to know local culture and traditions, we had the opportunity to discuss with Irish colleagues, to get to know ordinary social life. We are excited about visiting this beautiful place, and highly recommend this language school to all those interested in further education.
We hope to be able to return to this beautiful place soon.

Dagmar Sitná, leader of a group of Czech teachers

Course Fees

Course and MaterialsFrom €620 per week1 week (20 hours) tuition fees including course materials also all administration, assessment of pre course and post course assignments plus end of course certificate and report.
Afternoon Cultural Experience€155 per week (3 afternoons)Cultural Excursions to places of historical and local interest. Includes entrance fees, transport and guides.

Additional Fees

For additional costs please click on the additional fees tab at the top of the page.

Host-Family Accommodation Standard per week: €290 (Sept-May) €330 (Jun- Aug)

Host-family Accommodation Executive per week: €350 (Sept-May) €400 (Jun-Aug)

Hotel and B&B Accommodation: Price on request

Airport Transport and Organisation Fee: €138 (One Way) -€275 (Return)
(Cork Airport, or Kerry Airport, or Cork City Bus stop)

Administration Fee: €98 per student

Teacher Training - Mindfulness in the Classroom Course Enquiry

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Atlantic S.E.A.L. is a fully accredited school operating year round since 1999. Private, personal, 100% Irish & family run. The only accredited English school in Ireland also approved by Trinity College London as a Teacher training centre.